Temporarily increases chance that Normal Attacks will ignore target's Elemental Resistance.

Chance to absorb HP temporarily when Attacks succeeds

Temporarily increases status of the caster with the power of Hero's spirit. Increases Skill Block.

Temporarily increases Damage Temporarily increases Defense Increases Physical Resistance.

Temporarily increases the caster's Agility and Wisdom by getting energy from the moon.

You dematerialise from sight and become invisible until you Attack or cast a skill.

Increases Accuracy and Reduces Skill Cast Time

Increases Critical Hit rate and Critical Hit damage Increases Dodge against melee and ranged attack

Summons Elemental of Water 'Griolli.' Temporarily decreases the target's Attack Speed with the power of Elemental of Water

Summons Elemental of Fire 'Tuuga.' Temporarily inflicts Fire Damage over time on a target using the power of Elemental of Fire.

Summons Elemental of Air 'Silpid.' Temporarily decreases the target's Skill Cast Time with the power of the Elemental of Air

Ice Attack

Summons Elemental of Earth 'Gradion.' Temporarily decreases the target's Evade/Dodge with the power of Elemental of Earth.

Summons Elemental of Magic 'Mercury.' Temporarily blocks the target's Normal Attack with the power of Elemental of Magic.

Lightning Attack

Venomous Area of Effect Attack

Elemental AOE Attack

Summons Spirit of Poison 'Venom' causes Sustained Poison Damage with the power temporaily.

Summons Elemental of Ice 'Cygnus.' Temporarily decreases the target's Movement Speed with the power of Elemental of Ice.

Summoned Spirit of Lightning 'Silver' stuns target temporarily.

Increases summoned Elemental's Attack Power

Chance to block normal attacks temporarily

Summons a party member

Temporarily increases HP, reduces mana consumption and increases Movement Speed.

Increases Elemental Resistance and Critical Hit Resistance of you and your Summoned Elemental.

Increases the number of Summoned Elementals allowed

Temporarily transforms target into a creature Max. Cooldown Effectiveness: 0%

Increases HP of caster and the summoned Elementals

Increases Skill Duration